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National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day

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Since the Revolutionary War to the present, Hispanics have been a part of the United States military heritage that makes this country so strong. Through nine wars and conflicts, Hispanics have served their country with pride and distinction.


Latino Advocates for Education, Inc. in collaboration with the Orange County Department of Education commemorate the undaunted courage and sacrifice of these service men and women that exemplify the highest traditions of the United States Armed Forces.


In the air, on land, and at sea and in all fronts and services, the patriotism of Hispanic service men and women has been documented through diligent research and personal stories. For over 17 years, Latino Advocates for Education, Inc. has conducted this independent research which includes a detailed compilation of national casualty, personnel, and award recipient statistics, as well as profiles of over 2000 local Hispanic veterans.   The statistics and personal biographies presented herein provide an educational and historical insight to the participation of Hispanic service personnel in the defense of our country.

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American Patriots:

Latinos in World War II


military service

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